Friday, July 2, 2010

5 question Friday

1. What is one thing you miss the most about childhood?

The main thing I miss is the belief y that anything is possible.

2. Are you still friends with your friends from high school?
Not really. There was no falling out or anything just a slow growing apart. There are a few I wish I had kept in touch with. Quite a lot of my facebook 'friends' are people I went to high school with though.

3. Is there a catch phrase, cliche, or word that just drives you bonkers every time you hear it?
I hate the phrase "think outside the box". It's been used so often that now if you're using it you're really not thinking outside the box at all!

4. What is one thing that you think symbolizes America...besides "Old Glory"?
The Bald Eagle. The song "Star-spangled banner"

5. What are your 4th of July weekend plans?
Kind of up in the air right now because of the weather and the fact my daughter has to work and will have my car since hers is in the shop. *sigh* But, hanging out by the pool drinking if it's nice out & going to see Eclipse Sunday.

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