Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Weirdo Wednesday

I toyed with the idea of calling this blog Wacky Wednesday but it's just so far beyond wacky... :)

I'm going to tell you about the dream I had last night. Let me preface this by saying that I am rarely myself in my dreams. Sometimes I'm a spectator, other times I play someone else - like a character in a
movie.  The other people in my dreams are usually not people I know either.  On to last night's dream...

Although it's never stated, I get the feeling this takes place in a post-apocalyptical world. We (me as someone else & an unknown male companion) are going on a journey. We need disguises. We're standing before a rack of hats, visors, etc.  First I try on a white visor which doesn't fit.  Then I choose a red baseball cap trimmed in black lace which fits perfectly.  Awesome disguise, don't cha think? lol

We head out. We're traveling through a forest of some kind. We get to what appears to be a huge man-made reservoir. We lie down at the edge of this and look down at the HUGE fish we can see swimming in the water.

I'm letting my fingers trail in the water and a huge fish is rising towards them. As it gets closer I realize that it's not a fish - it is a huge beagle-sized, wart-covered, dark green frog. Male companion says "He wants you to pet him" My response "I'm not really into petting giant green frogs"

Now we are moving through the forest. We're discussing fishing. Male companion tells me his brother likes to fish in his septic tank.  Gross!!  He adds "My brother says he likes the stickiness of the things
he catches there"   Double Gross!

The End.

Anyone care to analyze this? I'm at a loss.

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