Sunday, May 30, 2010


Sometimes a book is just a book.  Something to do, to enjoy and nothing more.  Same with a movie, or a song for that matter.  Sometimes it strikes a chord and makes you realize something about yourself or helps you through something you're struggling with.  This has happened to me several times.

The first time was after I decided to quit doing drugs.  I'm not talking about a little weed here and there, I'm talking about mainlining speed, daily acid trips, and basically anything else I could get my hands on. 

One night I had a bad acid trip.  Bad enough that I almost didn't make it back.  I can't describe it to anyone who hasn't been there.  It was like I was dangling over this dark abyss of nothingness, holding on to something at the edge with just one hand.  I felt like I barely managed to hold on and keep from falling.  It made me realize I needed to stop.  So I did - everything - and cold turkey.

I had a rough few weeks.  Weeks where I didn't sleep because I had nightmares.  Horrible nightmares which I woke from sitting up in bed, heart pounding, pulse racing and sweating rivers.  I saw tracers for about 2-3 weeks afterwards.  I also had panic attacks.  Anytime I finally started to fall asleep a panic attack would come on.  I thought I was losing it.  I thought I was going to die. 

Now being me, it never even crossed my mind to talk to anyone about it or seek help anywhere.  I just dealt with it the best I could.  Then, late one night I saw a Nightline on anxiety attacks.  It made me realize I wasn't going crazy, that this was something others went through, that this was something I could beat. 

I was reading Dune at the time.  There's a litany in Dune that the characters use to face their fears.  It goes like this  "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain." 

It may sound stupid to you but I used it whenever I had a panic attack.  I used it and it worked.  I stopped trying to fight them.  I just let them come.  I let them wash over me in waves and afterwards, there I was.  Still ok, still me.  Finally, it happened less and less often and it's been 5 years since I last had one. 

Thank you  Frank Herbert - I think you saved my sanity, if not my life.


  1. What are tracers?

  2. When you move your hand for instance and you see like echoes of it. It's hard to explain. lol
