Thursday, June 17, 2010

5 Question Fridays :)

I have not been doing really well at this blogging thing. I just can't find the time!

Yesterday I babysat. My daughter has kicked her boyfriend out 3 times in the last month. She works nights and he works days which means they don't have a daycare or babysitter. That means when she kicks him out her sister and I have to take turns watching the girls. It's getting old. Not the babysitting part, because I love those little monsters, but the on again off again with the boyfriend. She did the same thing with the boyfriend before him. Oh well, it's her decision and I need to just stay out of it! friend and fellow blogger posted a link to a new blog she's following. The blogger posts five questions every Friday for everyone to copy and paste into their own blogs. Here's the blog address: Sounded like fun to me so here goes:

1. What do you think makes a good friend, or friendship?

Honesty and trust are major for me. Anything I say to a friend in confidence should stay between the two of us. A lot of people say that you should be able to step into a good friendship even after not having talked to someone for ages and be able to pick up where you left off. That's true, to a point. But I think a good friendship requires work, just like any relationship. Maybe for whatever reason, you can't hang out, but you should be able to call or email or keep in touch some other way. Most importantly, a good friend is someone you can be wholly yourself with, someone who loves you unconditionally. I always think of my friends as the family I got to pick!

2. What is the last thing you bought & later regretted?

I bought a cd burner for my computer around 2 years ago. It's still in the box. One of these days...

3. Have you ever had a prank played on you?

Nothing major - just minor stuff. Like once, when I was new at my job they had me page Iwanna Mann. Yeah, stuff like that. lol

4. What is your favorite theme park?

I'm not a big fan of theme parks - they're too crowded and the lines are too damn long. I did enjoy Universal Studios though so I guess that would be my fav.

5. Have you ever seen someone else give birth?

My daughter had c-sections both times so while I was there at the hospital, I didn't get to see the actual births. That's the closest I've come.

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